Justin Trudeau is our present Prime Minister 2013 - present
The writer would like to be completely unbiased but unfortunately there is a growing consensus that the majority of Canadians feel that Justin Trudeau has destroyed the Liberal Party and can no longer be trusted. This lack of confidence was evident just days ago when Voters in Toronto-St. Paul’s elected Conservative candidate Don Stewart to the House of Commons, flipping a seat that has voted Liberal in every election since 1993. Stewart won 42% of the vote, according to preliminary Elections Canada data, defeating Liberal candidate Leslie Church, who had just over 40%.
“This changes everything for the Liberals and for the PM,” Scott Reid, a onetime aide to former Prime Minister Paul Martin, said on the social media platform X. “If St. Paul’s is unsafe, there is no such thing as safe.”
5 Ethics Committee investigations

In fairness, name calling seems to be taken far more seriously than scandals involving tax payers dollars which include: Exhibit A – Arrive Can app went from $80,000 to $54 million. Nothing has been done to date apart from the Conservative party hearing countless hours of witnesses and being told they can not release the names of contractors due to confidentiality??
History of Federal Debt according to Fraser Institute